Pitt Coup

Playing technique. A playing tactic that allows the declarer to finesse the Left Hand Opponent's tenaces toward the dummy's higher tenaces. Usually used together with unblocking technique.

S J 9
H 7
D 9 8
C --
S 10 4
H --
D --
C Q J 8

S --
H 9 8 5
D --
C 7 4

S K 8
H --
D 10
C 9 3

Spade is trump, South leads H7 from dummy (North), East plays H9, South ruffs with SK, West can do nothing but discard a small club. Now, South uses the Pitt Coup by leading S8, West's S10 4 is finessed by North's SJ 9. More important is after North won West's first spade, another trump is played to clear West's last trump. South discards the D10 to unblock the diamond suit, so that North can cash the diamonds for the remaining tricks.

The full deal was:

South dealer
North-South vulnerable

S J 9 7 5
H 7 6 3
D 9 8 6 4 3 2
C --
S 10 4 3 2
H J 10
D K 7
C Q J 8 6 5

H A Q 9 8 5 2
D Q 5
C A 10 7 4

S A K 8 6
H K 4
D A J 10
C K 9 3 2

1 NT
-- C 2 H
3 S 4 H S Pass
Pass Pass Pass Pass

The lead was theHJ on which East played HA. A heart return was captured by South's HK and West's H10 dropped. South counted that each minor suit had at least one loser. Also, West was most likely to have doubleton heart jack and ten...Thus, the only hope was to knock out opponent's queen of spade in order to that the contract had a chance to make.

From the analysis, South played SA, and luckily, East's queen was shown. South then played DA and then followed by DJ. Very lucky, opponents' diamonds were 2-2 break. After eaten by West's DK, with some hesitation, C5  was returned. From this point, Sourth noted that with proper handling, the contract could be made. In order to capture West's trump, South could not ruff with table's trump, also, he needed to unblock hand's D10 so as to cash table's diamond after clearing West's trump cards. South thus discarded the D4 from table and lead East's CA to win. Up to now, the defenders won one trick from each of the three side suits. East leaded C10, but it could not stop Sourth from making the contract. South won with CK, and discarded the D6 from table instead of the apparently useless H7. South then drew trump from hand with S6, West played small and table won with S7. Now, South played the H7 from table, East followed with H9 and South trumped with SK, East discarded with C8. Now, the Pitt Coup can be used as previous shown.

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